Navigation Bar: Back, Home, Re

by vvstudio



Navigation Bar: Back, Home, Recent Button is a trendy and in-demand Android app. This app is for customized navigation bar created by the user for own self according to their tastes and choices. Navigation Bar: Back, Home, Recent Button app is a unique and novel implementation that enables the user to create their own buttons in their smartphone without knowledge of intricate coding.Components of Navigation Bar: Back, Home, Recent Button app:1) SELECT COLORSelect the color and then select the apps in which the selected color navigation bar should appear.2) SELECT IMAGESelect the face of the navigation bar either from the various images presented by the app or browse any image from phone memory.3) SELECT ANIMATIONPick and select your preferred animation into the navigation bar.4) SELECT GRADIENTPick and select your preferred gradient color for the navigation bar.5) SELECT EMOJIPick and select your preferred emoji into the navigation bar.6) BATTERYSelect your preferred battery style from the options for the navigation bar.7) MUSIC VISUALIZERPick and select your preferred image into the navigation bar.Navigation Bar: Back, Home, Recent Button is a new-age app which is absolutely free to install and operate. Navigation Bar Customization Simple to Attractive app is easy to install and offers an easy-to-use functionality. Navigation Bar Customization Simple to Attractive app has professional and latest material design and carries out click quick executions. Navigation Bar Customization Simple to Attractive app supports all screen resolutions of mobile and tablet devices and is a lightweight application, will no drain the device memory, battery, other resources. Quick! Quick!! Quick!!!Grab the Navigation Bar: Back, Home, Recent Button app NOW!!!